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Easy Issue Fixes

Here is a list of frequent issues users have had and some ways you can easily fix these issue.

Verification System Not Sending

This can either be caused by VerCord not having access to send messages in the channel or VerCord not having access to view the channel.

Role Isn't Being Added

This can be caused by VerCord's official role not being above the role you are trying to add.

Logging Message Isn't Sending

This can either be caused by VerCord not having access to send messages in the channel or VerCord not having access to view the channel.

Color On Verification Embeds Not Working

Make sure that when you are inputting the hex color that you add a # before the numbers & letters. ( Example: #fa1f5a )

Verification System Not Updating

In order for your verification system to be up to date with the newest features, you will have to resend whatever verification system command you had before into the same channel. All you have to do is delete the old system and resend the same or different verification system commands.

Still have an issue? Head over to our Discord support server!

Last updated

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